WKI Automotive


As a result of our Quality Management System according to ISO 9001, we continuously monitor the performance of our suppliers. The criteria by which they are evaluated annually are:


  • Compliance with the technical purchase requirements defined in the orders.
  • Compliance with delivery deadlines and after-sales service.
  • Compliance in sending the requested documentation (certificates, questionnaires, etc.)
  • Incidents that may have occurred during the purchase and their resolution.


As a result of the evaluation, our suppliers are classified as:

  • APPROVED: No incidents have been generated.
  • IN PROCESS: New suppliers that are in the process of approval.
  • CONDITIONED: Initially approved supplier that must resolve some non-conformities.
  • DISAPPROVED: Supplier that, having had non-conformities, has not resolved them satisfactorily.


In the evaluation of March 2024, your company has been classified as APPROVED.
